of all change processes fail because they are focused on cognition, technology and poorly conceived structures.
What is the focus of your current changes?
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Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)
Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102
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+44 1234 567 890
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Successful change requires motivated and supportive employees.
We work with you at management level to define the objectives of your transformation, and then bring your executives on board to ensure that their staff are closely involved in the realignment.
We regularly evaluate the process so that we can make any necessary adjustments to the next steps.
... and we are only satisfied when every idea has been evaluated, implemented and permanently embedded in your company!
of all change processes fail because they are focused on cognition, technology and poorly conceived structures.
What is the focus of your current changes?
of all employees do not feel they are involved with changes
How actively are your employees involved with your changes at present?
of all employees are motivated and eager for change but are unclear about what they can and should do.
How well do your employees know what you expect of them?